Monday, April 9, 2012

Double Digits


Oh yeah, baby—Double Digits!  I ran 10 miles in a row yesterday afternoon and I’m about to sprain my elbow from patting myself on the back.  There’s no way I’m telling you how, um, “fast” I ran those miles, but that’s not the point here.  IRAN10MILESINAROWALLBYMYSELF!  And it was the perfect day for a run.  Sunny, but the trail was shady, just enough breeze to cool you without making you shiver.  Gorgeous early spring flowers and baby leaves on the trees.  A truly fabulous day to be outside.  Unfortunately, I’m not feeling too fabulous today.  The effort seems to have left me with a delayed headache in addition to the delayed onset muscle soreness.  Plus I got a truly impressive blister all over my left pinkie toe.  I was going to take a picture, but thought it might not impress y’all.  I just keep trying to remind myself that I feel crummy today because I.  Ran.  10 (count ‘em—10).  Miles.

So leave me a comment today—gimme some props (or say thanks for me not posting a picture of my grubby little toe)!  Or even just to commiserate about the headache.  Does anyone else get headaches the day after they put in some physically hard work? 


  1. So, so proud of you!!!! Srsly. you are awesome. xoxo

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you very much! You are officially invited to come out to Bedford on Cinco de Mayo and be part of my cheerleading squad for my very first half-marathon!

  2. WOW. Seriously. This is a huge accomplishment! Good for you! Remember your first run? It wasnt that long ago. I envy you..and I am inspired by you. Thanks!

    1. Thanks, man. So if you're all inspired and stuff, when should I expect to see you out running????
