Friday, January 23, 2015

Three Good Things 1.22ish.15

Fell off the wagon already, but I’m climbing back on.  I had a day or two where making it through the day without crying was all I could manage, so figuring out good things and writing them down took more effort than I had in me.  But hey—now I have a couple of days to look through, so it should be easier.

  1. New Orleans-style snowball break with a friend because sometimes you just need that much sugar all at once.
  2. One of my favorite bloggers had good news to share.  Her hubby is a terrific guy by all accounts, so I was really pleased to read about her happeez. 
  3. After-work drinks with a couple of my favorite coworkers.  Not too much alcohol, but definitely some interesting conversation.
I didn't actually drink enough to be hung over, but I considered it...

Bonus good things: it’s finally Friday and I have a dinner date!

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