Thursday, January 15, 2015

Three Good Things 1.15.15

Was still in a horrible mood yesterday and refusing to deal with some things.  In spite of that, I've managed to find my three good things:

  1. Joked around with my ex-coworker/friend via email, including sending her the pic below.  She is the most fabulous person I know--always beautifully made up and well-attired.  I give her a hard time about her fabulousity, but she knows it's because I'm a little jealous (and because it makes her laugh.)
  2. The snacks I brought to go with the beer at our STEM Tavern were happily eaten up and my ex-boss offered to bring snacks next month.
  3. Bailey (the newish cat) was mind-bogglingly adorable as he tried to convince Bella (the oldish cat) that she should sniff noses with him through the baby gate in the doorway.  She refused and got cranky at him, but you should have seen all the chirping, purring, and pure cuteness going on.  I really don't know how she can resist that.

Fabulousity vs. Crafter Grrrl

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